Dear Readers,
Praised be Jesus Christ! Happy feast of the Conversion of St. Paul! By his intercession and example, may we understand and seek healing for our own spiritual blindness.
Please read on for a call for regular submissions, and reflections on Cardinal Pell, writing, masculinity, and one of society’s most terrible scourges.
Thank you, as always, for reading and sharing!
— The Editors
Call for articles!
Gaudium is always seeking thoughtful articles that fit our magazine’s mission and style. Please write to us at with inquiries, requests, and submissions!
Awaiting Justice: The Patience of Cardinal Pell
One of the most popular and widely known legal maxims in this country is the idea that “justice delayed is justice denied.” While there is a great deal of truth to the idea—victims are indeed, in justice, owed a speedy redress of their wrongs— it also falls short. For Cardinal Pell had justice delayed him, spending over a year in solitary confinement to crimes he did not commit. Yet, he did so with a peace and serenity few could match. He did this because he could look for justice, not from a flawed and corrupt legal system, but from the God who created justice. Read more here.
God Games: A Meditation for Fiction Authors
An author faces the mighty temptation to make Him follow our own will, including putting words into His mouth and deciding the miracles He will perform. Read more here.
Yes, Let’s Ban Porn
Pornography does not only harm the producer or consumer of pornography, but all of society. It harms members of society who have not consented and do not consent to those harms. It is time to reject misguided modern views of “freedom,” and take a practical step to improve our society. Read more here.
Ersatz Masculinity and Real Masculinity
One could know what kind of man another is, by understanding what he admires and loves. Are we providing good heroes for our young men to look up to? In today’s society, narcissism and egoism is celebrated, faithfulness to one woman condemned as weakness, greed and drug abuse become admired. Read more here.