Greetings Readers,
This issue offers two articles focused on the family, its joys and its struggles. One, from a guest writer, speaks of her visit two two friends with families and seeks to tells the stories of those families and others like them. Families like these receive little attention in our world and little support, but they have stories that deserve to be told and we are grateful to her for telling two of those stories.
Happy Reading,
The Editors
My Visit to the Domestic Church
From guest writer, Louise Merrie: It is easy for people to get discouraged about the problems in society and the problems in the Church. Just as it is helpful to visit monasteries and shrines, I think it is helpful to visit our friends and relatives whose homes are the domestic church. Spending time with joyful, faithful families enables us to see that there are still many good people of faith living virtuous lives. Read more here.
Building Cathedrals, Raising Children
Families, perhaps especially parents with young children, can easily let themselves become overwhelmed in the immediate challenges and struggles of family life. The struggles of toilet training, managing children in public or getting them--especially toddlers and preschoolers-- ready and through mass, the feeling one can barely keep the house presentable can all feel overwhelming at times. But we should take some encouragement from an old parable and a firm focus on the goals of our labors. Read more here.