We seek:
To promote growth in holiness,
To respond to the conditions of our time,
And to illuminate the culture of Christendom,
In order to proclaim the reign of Christ the King in our world.
On Joy
Our name and our charism is joy. Joy is not human happiness or simple optimism; it is a fruit of the Holy Spirit, an abiding peace that comes from closeness to, and right relationship with, God. That is why great joy is possible in the midst of great suffering and uncertainty; it is a reality, a relationship, not a mere sensible experience.
The soul of the contemplative gladly remains in the manifestation of its joy and is always eager either to return into itself frequently or to continue immobile in the same place for a long time. (Richard of St. Victor, The Mystical Ark, Chapter V)
Our Patrons
Our Lady, Cause of Our Joy
St. Luke the Evangelist
E-Issue / Newsletter
If you subscribe, we send an email issue every 2 weeks (currently every other Wednesday) with a roundup of our recent features and popular articles. We update on the site every few days in between issues!
Gaudium welcomes submissions on a broad range of topics on Catholic culture, including: Faith and the Family; Arts and Literature; and Culture and Society.
We particularly seek articles fitting our charism: articles that express, implicitly or explicitly, the Christian zeal that comes from love of God; the joy of living as a Catholic; and the supernatural charity that compels us to love God and others in the midst of darkness.
All work should be faithful to the doctrines and tradition of the Church. Submissions ought to be original works that have not been previously published. All articles may be edited in keeping with our mission goals and for clarity and brevity. We retain full right to the article as originally printed in our publication, including the right to reprint.
Submissions should generally fall into the following categories and lengths:
Comments / Letters: 50-350 words
Articles: up to 1,250 words (Viewpoint, Reflection, Commentary, Analysis, Meditation, etc.)
Submissions outside of these guidelines will also be considered at the discretion of the editors.
Please email your submission to: submissions@gaudiummag.com
In the subject heading, include the word Submission, and the submission type. In the body of the email, be sure to include your first and last name, contact information, and a 1-sentence author bio with your preferred author name.
Accepted formats:
Google Docs link (with comment access enabled)
Word, OpenOffice documents, PDF (with copiable text)
Email body
If you are including images, please be sure you have the rights to use the image and that you include all necessary attributions.
Contact Information
General Contact/Inquiries: contact@gaudiummag.com
If your website is linked here, and you would like the link removed, please email us at this email.
Submissions: submissions@gaudiummag.com
Gaudium’s content belongs to us; please cite or link to us if you use our articles or text, in full or in part.
While we do take care when providing links and resources, links provided in any Gaudium publication are not intended as an endorsement of the linked site’s full content and are provided as references.
We only publish articles we believe to be faithful to the doctrine and tradition of the Catholic Church; contributors’ viewpoints on other issues, however, may differ. Publication of an article on Gaudium should not be taken to mean that we endorse all content from contributors’ blogs, books, and websites.
Original Gaudium graphics by N.A. Carmone, used with permission.
Unless otherwise stated, all graphics are used from sources that require no credit/attribution.