My Mother was extremely abusive, even not taking me for physical or mental help when, at 16, I was raped by a 57-year-old man. She told me when I was 6 years old and had lied about trying on a beautiful pair of gloves she owned, that she wished I was dead rather than have lied to her. She said a Saint had said this to justify her statement. It was one more thing in a long line of her cruel attitude towards me. I don't care that a Saint said it. It was traumatic for me and proved to me how much she hated me.
My Mother was extremely abusive, even not taking me for physical or mental help when, at 16, I was raped by a 57-year-old man. She told me when I was 6 years old and had lied about trying on a beautiful pair of gloves she owned, that she wished I was dead rather than have lied to her. She said a Saint had said this to justify her statement. It was one more thing in a long line of her cruel attitude towards me. I don't care that a Saint said it. It was traumatic for me and proved to me how much she hated me.