Dear Readers,
This week, meditate on the Transfiguration, ponder the virtues of the past, and consider the meaning of freedom. We also begin the month of devotion to the Immaculate Heart, which has pride of place in August. Two of Our Lady’s great feasts mark this month: the Assumption and the Immaculate Heart (1962 calendar) or the Queenship (Novus Ordo calendar). In her Immaculate Heart, we remember:
Mary's interior life, her joys and sorrows, her virtues and hidden perfections, and, above all, her virginal love for her God, her maternal love for her Divine Son, and her motherly and compassionate love for her sinful and miserable children here below.
Thank you to all those who submitted to the literary magazine! We are reading submissions still and will be in touch with all writers. Remember that submissions to the regular magazine are welcome any time!
— The Editors
The Glory of the Transfiguration, in His Life and Ours
As Christ’s earthly ministry drew near its culmination, he brought St. Peter, James, and John with Him for a flash of the true glory that was His… With that struggle before Him, it was fitting that he show a brief flash of that true glory that awaited Him. Meditate on the Transfiguration here.
Is it Medieval to Believe in Demons?
Should we think about demons? Should I, a lay Catholic with no particular power or visible supernatural charism, spend any of my time thinking about demons and how they are acting in my life? There are two answers to this question… read on.
Why We Need the Past
As the past became a sort of dark age, it became at best a shameful time from which modern man had escaped and at worst, a threat. For no longer could a man find guides and heroes in the past and no longer a path for his feet to walk. But we must recover our past again: read more here.
St. Paul against the Libertarians
Man was created free, and that was a freedom for good or ill even the freedom to betray his Lord. Like the Galatians of Paul’s day, freedom included the temptation to abuse that freedom. Read about the meaning of freedom here.