Issue 007: Spiritual Battles
Dear readers,
Praised be Jesus Christ! As Easter draws to a close and Pentecost is upon us, we hope you will be inspired to battle and to be ever more devoted by this issue! And let June be for us a month of humility as we enter into His Sacred Heart.
O Jesus, meek and humble of Heart, make our hearts like unto Thine.
— The Editors
Commentary: Fighting the Devil’s Pride Month
Pride alone sufficed to transform an Angel into a demon. The devil’s fall alone ought to suffice as warning for us, but the world has not heard the warning. Or perhaps the world, too, wishes to join the demons. Let us not be proud…
Commentary: The Ascension and the Dimensions of Spiritual Combat
Understanding the physicality of the Ascension will give us insight into a surprising realm: the cosmological basis for the power of demons, and how we may combat them. Curious? Read on here!
Meditation: Virgin Mary, Queen Mother
Do we honor and love Our Lady as both Queen and Mother? For the two are inextricably bound together: those who fail to honor her in one regard, will fail in the other. Read about her Queenship and her Motherhood here.
Reflection: With a Little Help from my Friends: The Power of the Saints’ Intercession
Guest Writer Kathryn Sadakierski: “Whenever I find myself in times of trouble, I call upon the saints, the greatest of friends, to help me. … Doctors may prescribe cures in the form of medicines for each ailment, but I find myself seeking healing through the aid of the saints, our advocates in Heaven.” Read on here.
Viewpoint: “Be Not Dismayed”: Discouragement and the Christian Life
In Tolkien’s Return of the King, Denethor, last Steward of Gondor, expresses this despair as the enemy besieges the heroes: “Battle is vain… The West has failed. It is time for all to depart, who would not be slaves.” But Gandalf replies, “Such counsels will make the enemy’s victory certain indeed.” Battle on!
Analysis: Reawakening Wonder: An Antidote to Boredom
Boredom comes from a reliance upon excitement and rousing feelings. It is a sign that we are living too much in the world, too much “in the flesh.” Yet this boredom means that we have closed our eyes to the divine and the supernatural, to Infinite Joy Himself. We must rediscover wonder!
Call for Submissions
Remember that we are putting out a fall literary issue with original, unpublished submissions of creative writing and literary analysis! See and share the flyer here!
We also welcome your original submissions for our website! See the guidelines here.